1.) Initially we decided on 3-4 costume changes, however after looking back at our research blogs, we realised that in our genre (pop) most artists only have 2-3 costume changes. We have decided to follow this convention in our music video.
2.) In the beginning we had the idea of our artist wearing summer dresses and having a really feminine look. While I'll still be dressed in a feminine way, we decided to make it Autumn themed because it reflects the lyrics of our song more - it's about heartbreak and therefore it would suit more than a light, summery look. Also, we looked at weather forecasts for our filming dates and it is likely to be cold, so wearing a summer dress may not be suitable.
One of our costumes will still be a dress, however I will be wearing a coat over it. For our second look, instead of another dress, I will be wearing a jumper and maybe jeans. Another alternative is a skirt and jumper - we're still coming up with ideas for our costume changes.


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