Friday, 29 November 2013

PRODUCTION: Editing 8 - 29/11/13

Again we decided to split the editing so everyone came in early apart from me because I had a lesson in the morning (sighs). Once my lesson had finished I went to the editing suites to join in with the rest of the girls. I found out that the same problem had happened gain with everything going out of sync!! This was not looking good AT ALL. We asked the teachers for help and they managed to pull up one of our older versions of our work from the day before. We looked at this and saw this was in sync but didn't have any of the new edits we had made yesterday afternoon.

So then began the process of copying and pasting the bits which didn't come up from the out of sync one. Fortunately this didn't take that long. Once we had done this we fixed up the remains of the last two choruses which as fairly easy. It consisted of cutting between base tracks and using the the better parts of it instead of the bits that were a bit shaky or out of focus. Once we were completely happy with the outcome we showed it to our teacher for her opinion of it... and thankfully SHE LIKED IT!! We were over the moon because at some point during the day we thought we wouldn't ave been able to finish it on time.

But oh no, we weren't finished just yet. We still had the filter to add on as well as adding the the name of the artist and the song title.

We added the filter on to the whole song. The filter we used gave a nice autumn glow and brought out the colour more (will go into more detail in the next post).

Also because we already had a font picked out to use across the video and the other media products, we moved from final cut pro to photo shop to edit our text to being white and having a transparent background. We wanted this so it would appear that it was just the writing going over the music video.


And finally we were finished :)


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