Saturday, 23 November 2013

Changes to Story Board

We've decided to change around our locations for the verses and chorus once again. Initially we had the Richmond bridge for the first verse and the cafe for the second and the guitar ones for the choruses. We've changed it to showing a little of all of the locations in the intro just to open up the video and help set the scene. The first verse will now be the base tracks of Eli lying on the floor and a few cut always from that location. This is because we felt we didn't have enough from Richmond bridge for the whole of the verse and also there is NONE of her singing which would look rather odd. The first chorus will be the guitar base tracks, the second verse will be opening with Richmond bridge and leading to the cafe and then the second chorus will be Eli singing and walking around in Richmond park. The final chorus will be a mixture of all of the locations to finalise the video and let the audience know that something different is happening (hopefully they realise we did this because it's coming to the ends)

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