Saturday, 2 November 2013

[Planning] Reflection on blogging progress

I had a look at this blog post I wrote a little while back - it already feels like such a long time ago! However I can confirm that I've definitely improved my ways of blogging a lot since then.

So how have I improved? ? ?

[]  I have carefully thought about the three blogging targets I set myself - I now post more regularly, and my blogging style has developed

[] My next target will be to blog content that is different and unique from blog posts from my group that are on a similar subject - sometimes when we discuss details together, we go home and end up describing these details in the same way. My aim will be to make it different by developing those ideas a bit more. 

[] One thing I was aiming for is to experiment with new technologies such as GIFS and now I regularly use them, so I'm quite proud of myself! :)

[] Another target, which is just as important to me, is to develop a consistent and confident style of blogging. Even though I have been working on that for a while, I believe that is it something that comes with experience. Adding humor would be something we can experiment with on our blog. I want my blog posts to be more bold and fun to those reading them and hopefully I'll achieve it by the end of this project!  


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