Friday, 27 September 2013

RESEARCH: Establishing a genre

Many genres have certain aspects featured in them to make it more easier to differentiate between them. It is important to do this so the audience can recognise what is what without having to thing to hard about it. Because it is done widely people tend to now play to the expectations given to them. 

For example, in a lot of country songs you'd see a lot of earthy tones to the video and it wouldn't be so extravagant. It would have more of a touch with reality to make it more relatable. 

In hip hop videos, things tend to be a whole lot more materialistic and more luxurious. The whole video would look more glamourised to show how wealth has a great effect on them. For example, you'd see the expensive jewellery, cars, houses, drugs and alcohol etc. You may see things that are related to crime such as them getting involved with the police or guns and other things like that. Another thing is that you'd see a lot of women being objectified for the sake of men. This is because the general audience for hip hop is male and by applying the male gaze theory, it keeps the audience attracted to the music. Here are some examples of these features being used to establish the hip hop genre:

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